Canker Sores In The Mouth: Here Is How To Naturally Get Rid Of Them In A Matter Of Minutes Without Using Any Medicine

Canker sores are a common oral health issue. Also known as aphthous ulcers, cancer sores are very painful. They can appear anywhere inside the oral cavity – on the inside of your lips and cheeks, the base of your gums, on or under your tongue. They are different from fever blisters, which typically appear on the outside of your lips or the corners of your mouth.
Interestingly, canker sores take a couple of days before they reach their peak in terms of pain and irritability. In other words, they don’t start hurting immediately upon occurrence, which gives you some time to deal with it before it gets really bad.


There’s a simple trick you can do to get rid of this common, painful nuisance. Best of all, it doesn’t ask for any medication.

Start by mixing a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Swish around your mouth and gargle for a couple of minutes then spit out.
The next thing you do is warm up some water, preferably before going to bed, then squeeze some lemon juice and drink it. Don’t add any sugar in it. That’s it.

You’ll be amazed to see that your cancer sore will disappear completely by the next morning.

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Sleeping Positions And Their Effects On Your Health

 How do you sleep?

What is your favorite sleeping position?

Sleep is a tricky subject. How much should you get? Is it better to sleep on your side or on your stomach? What position makes you more likely to snore?

Thankfully, The Huffington Post put together an infographic (see below) detailing the pros and cons of each sleep position. So pay close attention to the tips below!

What’s your favorite way to sleep? Let us know!

1. On Your Back

This position is often called “starfish position”, and it is very good for the back. This position allows you to minimize wrinkle, sagging breasts and acid reflux. However, because of the positioning of your head in this position, it tends to increase and worsen snoring.

2. On Your Side

Sleeping on your side allows you to lessen snoring and can help improve your circulation (this is the sleeping position that is widely recommended and preferred for woman when pregnant). However, the stress that is put on your shoulder and hip (mainly the side that is down) may result in shoulder and hip pain. Also, because your body is being somewhat scrunched it can lead to wrinkling and sagging breasts.

3. Face Down

This is another position that can help reduce snoring. Typically, in this position your head is on one side of your face, much like sleeping position two, which has a positive effect on reducing snoring. However, because the position your spine is during this sleeping position you may experience neck and back pain and stiffness. Your belly weight can play a role in the severity of the pain too, the larger your stomach the larger the arch in your back may be when in this position. Also, because your mid section is smashed against the bed, wrinkles and sagging breasts is increased.


If we leave aside your favorite sleeping position, you can get less pain and better sleep if you supplement your body with a pillow. The people that are sleeping on their back can place a small pillow beneath the arch of their spine, side sleepers should place a pillow between their knees, and those that sleep on their stomach can put a pillow under the hips, which will support the joints and help them enjoy a full, painless relaxation.

Each person has their own sleeping preference, which in turn has its own pros and cons. The important thing is to be able fall asleep and sleep for the appropriate amount of undisturbed hours. Getting enough sleep will provide you and your body with several different health benefits.


 sleeping positions

7 Unusual Cancer Warning Signs Women Shouldn’t Ignore

7 Unusual Cancer Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Most women know that regular pap smears and mammograms are important, but what many do not know is that recognizing cancer symptoms and warning signs could be just as key in early detection. And catching it early could quite literally save your life.

Sure, sometimes, a headache is just a headache, and a birthmark is just a birthmark, but knowing your body and recognizing changes can be crucial in identifying certain cancers. Before you become completely paranoid,

Breast changes


Breast Changes

Thanks to the media, these days, we are generally wise to the fact that a lump in the breast is something to get checked out, but swelling, redness, nipple changes or other breast abnormalities could all be early warning signs

Irregular bleeding

Irregular Bleeding

Blood in your urine or stool, or even bleeding from a cut or scrape that doesn’t clot, could be a sign of something wrong. If you’re bleeding excessively or from somewhere that doesn’t seem right, then it is best to see a doctor.



Most women write off bloat as a symptom of menstruation, overeating, or just “having a fat day.” But frequent bloating could indicate ovarian cancer, which is sometimes referred to as a “silent killer” because of its vague cancer symptoms.

sores that do not heal

Sores That Do Not Heal

Skin cancers may bleed and look like sores that don’t heal. A long-lasting sore in the mouth could be an oral cancer. This should be dealt with right away, especially in people who smoke, chew tobacco, or often drink alcohol.

Dark Vertical Stripes Along The Nail

Dark Vertical Stripes Along The Nail

Fingernails can reveal some of the most dreaded diseases, some of which can be fatal if they are not diagnosed in the beginning stages. Dark vertical stripes along the nail is one of the most obvious and dangerous warning signals your fingernails can send, and the medical term for this condition is actually “linear melanochia”. Unfortunately, many people choose to overlook these dark stripes that emerge along their nails. Why… because it does not cause them any pain. But this can actually indicate a form of skin cancer that affects only the nail bed, known as “Subungal Melanoma”.



Fatigue is hard to pinpoint. It could be a sign of many illnesses, or simply a case of being overtired. However, if you are constantly tired, even when you are getting plenty of rest, then you should see a medical professional.

Skin changes

Skin Changes

We’ve all heard that we ought to regularly check our moles and watch for changes in shape, size or texture, but there are other skin changes to look out for. Scaling, peeling or bleeding skin, or mouth sores, for example, can be cancer symptoms.



Red Alert: If You See This On Your Nails Immediately Visit A Doctor!


Have you ever noticed white spots on your nails? If you have, you should know that this problem must not be ignored and that it requires medical attention. The lines are called leukonchia and occur due to small injuries at the base of the nail. When an injury occurs, small air bubbles in the nail form, but the lines can also be caused by warts, fungi, psoriasis, eczema or can indicate sarcoidosis.

Another nail condition called plummer’s nail causes white spots on the nails with horizontal lines, and can be a sign of malaria, leprosy, Hodgkin’s disease or cardiac arrest. A condition called hypoalbuminemia causes 2 stripes on the nails and is caused by low albumin levels in the body.


All the changes on your nails require medical assistance, which is why you should visit a doctor right away after noticing them.